Medicine Man has the best loyalty program in Colorado. By joining our rewards program you become a part of the Medicine Man family, and we take care of our family.

Earn points every time you shop and redeem those points on exclusive deals. Click the link below to check your rewards balance or to sign-up.


Earning points is simple. Earn 1 point for every $1 spent pre-tax at all Medicine Man locations. You will be able to use your points for future discounts and offers. Be sure to sign up for our SMS program so you don’t miss out on special promotions like 2x point day and discounted products.


Redeeming your points has never been easier!

  1. Provide your phone number at the time of purchase.
  2. Ask your budtender to verify your points balance and to check what rewards you’re eligible for.
  3. Decide whether to cash in on one of our amazing discounts or keep stacking your points for a future purchase.

As long as you shop once ever 6-months, your points will never expire.

Have an issue with your rewards account?  Complete this short form so we can help get things sorted out for you.

Reward Program Inquiry
