cannabis cream

Tips for using cannabis topicals

Cannabis topicals are the newest crave in town because they are a great way to enjoy the benefits of CBD without consuming cannabis. Topicals contain the chemical compounds unique to marijuana (cannabinoids), thus, providing relief to various physical symptoms such as:

  • Body pain
  • Muscle tension
  • Inflammation/swelling
  • Allergic reactions

While some cannabis topicals are gentle enough for everyday use, others produce temporary cold or hot effects to complement the cannabinoids’ actions.

Cannabis topicals don’t provide the same “stoned” effect as ingesting or inhaling cannabis. However, they allow your CB1 and CB2 receptors to interact with cannabinoids, offering amazing benefits for your body.

Here are some tips for using cannabis topical the right way.

  1. Determine where to apply

It’s vital to identify where your pain is coming from before using your cannabis topical. For instance, if you have a headache, is the tension from your neck or your head? Alternatively, if you don’t have any specific pain areas, try focusing on common sore spots such as your temples, elbows, neck, and shoulders.

  1. Clean the area

Our bodies come into contact with a lot of unforeseen bacteria and germs that you may rub in when applying your topical. Therefore, ensure your hands and the sore areas are clean before topical application.

  1. Be vigorous and generous

With cannabis topicals, you may need to be generous in your use of the product to feel its effects. Thus, applying a second or third coat is not uncommon. You should also vigorously rub in your topical with every application without applying too much pressure and use regularly to see the best results.

  1. Wash your hands after

Clean your hands after each topical application since cannabis topicals have traces of mint, capsaicin, or citrus. This may not feel good when rubbed on your nostrils and eye area, so be sure to wash hands thoroughly after use.

Purchase our product

If you’re looking for a medical marijuana dispensary near me, visit Medicine Man, which is a dispensary near DIA.

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